Types and Causes of Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a long-term lung condition that makes it difficult for one to breath.

Type of COPD

COPD is an umbrella term utilized when you have at least one of these conditions:

Emphysema: This result from damage to one lungs' air sacs (alveoli) that annihilates the walls inside them and makes them converge into one goliath air sac. It can't retain oxygen too, so one gets less oxygen in one's blood. Harmed alveoli can make one's lungs loosen up and lose their springiness. Air gets caught in one's lungs and one can't inhale i0 t out, so one feel short of breath.

Chronic bronchitis: If one has coughing, shortness of breath, and mucus that waits at any rate 3 months for a very long time, one has constant bronchitis. Hair-like filaments called cilia line one's bronchial tubes and help move bodily fluid out. At the point when one has constant bronchitis, one loses cilia. This makes it harder to dispose of bodily fluid, which makes one cough more, which makes more mucus.

Refractory asthma: This type may also be called non-reversible. It doesn’t respond to normal asthma medications.

Causes of COPD and its Risk

Long term exposure to things that disturb one’s lungs is the most widely recognized reason. In the U.S., that is cigarette, pipe, or different sorts of tobacco smoke. In the event that one stay nearby different smokers and take in a great deal of used smoke, that can assume a part, as well. One’s chances likewise go up in the event that one smoke and have asthma. In the event that one smoke and have COPD, it will in general deteriorate quicker. One may likewise foster this condition in the event that one have been presented to things like residue, air contamination, or certain synthetic compounds for significant stretches of time.


One’s age can make COPD more probable. It grows gradually throughout the long term, so a great many people are in any event 40 when manifestations start.

It’s rare, but one’s genes could put one at risk for COPD. If one lacks a protein called alpha 1 antitrypsin (AAT), one may be more likely to get it.

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With Regards,
Andrina Williams
Journal of Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation