
It is my distinct honour and privilege to welcome you to the Advances in Crop Science and Technology.

The Advances in Crop Science and Technology is an open access journal; all the articles are peer reviewed by eminent people in the field. Journal strives to publish and get a worthy impact factor by quick visibility through its open access guiding principle for world class research work.

A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a tool that creates visual representations of data and performs spatial analyses in order to make informed decisions. It is a technology that combines hardware, software, and data. The data can represent almost anything imaginable so long as it has a geographic component. The hardware can be anything from a desktop computer or laptop to satellites, drones, and handheld GPS units. There are a few different software packages, but ESRI’s ArcGIS suite is the industry standard. The public, private, and non-profit sectors all employ GIS to do everything from manage public utilities to organize the movement and dispersion of goods and services. GIS is very functional in traditional map making, to plot things like fire hydrants along a road, or to draw boundaries, like the area of different crop fields on a farm.

The real power of GIS, though, lies in its ability to analyze multiple data layers or variables.  Simple examples of this within the realm of agriculture would be; a map showing the number of farm injuries by county, or the number of crop acres lost to flood by tax map parcel. The polygons representing different ownership or municipalities can convey the change in values in different ways, the most common being a changing color ramp.

We always encourage your research works under the scope of our Advances in Crop Science and Technology.

With regards,


Managing Editor

Advances in Crop Science and Technology


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