Bioanalytical and Analytical Techniques in the future chemistry


Journal of Analytical and Bioanalytical Techniques, provides the bimonthly publication of articles in all areas related to but not limited to Analytical Techniques, Mass Spectrometry Method Development and Validation, HPLC Method Development and Validation, Spectroscopic Techniques, Mass Spectrometry in Bioanalysis, Advances in Sample Preparation for Bioanalytical Techniques, Qualitative Analytical Techniques. The Journal of Analytical and Bioanalytical Techniques welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. As a member of Publisher International linking Association, PILA, Journal of Analytical and Bioanalytical Techniques (of OMICS International) follows the Creative Commons Attribution License and Scholars Open Access publishing policies.


Authors are sole responsible for any scientific misconduct including plagiarism in their research articles; publisher is not responsible for any scientific misconduct happened in any published research article. As a publisher we will follow strictly scientific guidelines and EIC’s advice to retract or erratum of any article at any time if scientific misconduct or errors happened in any articles. Our Journal is successfully running volume 12 with a large number of viewers from around the world.


Journal of Analytical & Bioanalytical Techniques is organized by OMICS International, a self supporting organization and does not receive funding from any institution/government. Hence, the operation of the Journal is solely financed by the handling fees received from authors and some academic/corporate sponsors. The handling fees are required to meet maintenance of the journal. Journal of Analytical & Bioanalytical Techniques, an Open Access Journal does not receive payment for subscription, as the articles are freely accessible over the internet. Authors of articles are required to pay a fair handling fee for processing their articles. However, there are no submission charges. Authors are required to make payment only after their manuscript has been accepted for publication.


The Bioanalysis in combination with liquid chromatography is utilized for the fast and efficient quantitation of small molecules, peptides, and proteins in complex matrices such as plasma, blood, urine, feces, and tissue. This combination can analyze compounds that lack a specific chromophore. Bioanalysis Journals involve the concept of mass spectrometry in bioanalysis.

Spectroscopy deals with the study of the interaction between matter and electromagnetic radiation, the measurement of radiation intensity as a function of wavelength. Spectroscopic techniques utilize the concept of the interaction of light with matter. The properties of electromagnetic radiation and its interaction with matter leads to variety of types of spectra and, consequently, different spectroscopic techniques and their applications. Spectroscopy Journals deal with the various spectroscopies.


Hanna Marin,

Managing Editor,

Journal of Analytical and Bioanalytical Techniques

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