Animal behaviour and learning


Behavior is anything an animal does involving action and/or a response to a stimulus. Blinking, eating, walking, flying, vocalizing and huddling are all examples of behaviors.

Animals behave in certain ways for four basic reasons:

•           To find food and water

•           To interact in social groups

•           To avoid predators

•           To reproduce

Behaviors Help Animals Survive:

Animal behaviors usually are adaptations for survival. Some behaviors, such as eating, or escaping predators are obvious survival strategies. But other behaviors, which also are important for survival, may not be as easily understood. For example why does a flamingo stand on one leg? By tucking the other leg close to its body, the bird conserves heat that would otherwise escape.

Ethology is the scientific study of an animal’s behavior in the wild. It is easier to observe and record behavior than to interpret it. When studying animal behavior, observers must take care not to be anthropomorphic – that is, to mistakenly connect human-like characteristics to animals. Although humans and animals share some traits, we have no way of knowing for sure why an animal is doing something.

Definition of Stimulus

A stimulus is a change in the environment that produces a behavioral response. It may be an object or an event perceived through an animal's senses. Stimuli may include the sight of food, the sound of a potential predator, or the smell of a mate. They may also include such daily events as nightfall and seasonal events such as decreasing temperatures. Animals respond to stimuli. Each of these stimuli elicits specific behaviors from animals.

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