An Overview of Hyphema


Hyphema is a condition that occurs when blood enters the front (anterior) chamber of the eye between the iris and the cornea. People usually first notice a loss of vision or decrease in vision. The eye may also appear to have a reddish tinge, or it may appear as a small pool of blood at the bottom of the iris or in the cornea. A traumatic hyphema is caused by a hit to the eye from a projected object or a blow to the eye. A hyphema can also occur spontaneously.

A decrease in vision or a loss of vision is often the first sign of a hyphema. People with microhyphema may have slightly blurred or normal vision. A person with a full hyphema may not be able to see at all (complete loss of vision). The person's vision may improve over time as the blood moves by gravity lower in the anterior chamber of the eye, between the iris and the cornea. In many people, the vision will improve, however some people may have other injuries related to trauma to the eye or complications related to the hyphema. A microhyphema, where red blood cells are hanging in the anterior chamber of the eye, is less severe. A layered hyphema when fresh blood is seen lower in the anterior chamber is moderately severe. A full hyphema (total hyphema), when blood fills up the chamber completely, is the most severe.

While the vast majority of hyphemas resolve on their own without issue, sometimes complications occur.Traumatic hyphema may lead to increased intraocular pressure (IOP), peripheral anterior synechiae, atrophy of the optic nerve, staining of the cornea with blood, re-bleeding, and impaired accommodation.

Secondary hemorrhage, or rebleeding of the hyphema, is thought to worsen outcomes in terms of visual function and lead to complications such as glaucoma, corneal staining, optic atrophy, or vision loss. Rebleeding occurs in 4–35% of hyphema cases and is a risk factor for glaucoma. Young children with traumatic hyphema are at an increased risk of developing amblyopia, an irreversible condition.

Hyphemas are frequently caused by injury, and may partially or completely block vision. The most common causes of hyphema are intraocular surgery, blunt trauma, and lacerating trauma. Hyphemas may also occur spontaneously, without any inciting trauma. Spontaneous hyphemas are usually caused by the abnormal growth of blood vessels (neovascularization), tumors of the eye (retinoblastoma or iris melanoma), uveitis, or vascular anomalies (juvenile xanthogranuloma). Additional causes of spontaneous hyphema include: rubeosis iridis, myotonic dystrophy, leukemia, hemophilia, and von Willebrand disease.Conditions or medications that cause thinning of the blood, such as aspirin, warfarin, or drinking alcohol may also cause hyphema. Source of bleeding in hyphema with blunt trauma to eye is circulus iridis major artery.

Optometry: Open Access Journal deals with eyes and related structures which includes such as vision, processing information related to vision. Optometrists are health professionals provide care related to vision. They give a clear idea related to diagnosis, treatment and management of vision. Optometry journal deals with medications, vision tests and abnormalities of eye.

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Optometry: Open Access
ISSN: 2476-2075