Advances in Crop Science and Technology Journal
Advances in Crop Science and Technology Journal, as Editorial manager in-Chief, it is my respect and benefit to advise you that, it's been three years we have begun the Journal, presently we are commending the 6th Anniversary and we are special to invite Crop Society to our diary.
The journal also focuses on the various aspects of crops research like selection, Breeding, Crop productivity, Seed production, Organic cover crops, Crop technology transpiration, Field crops research, domestic animals, Crop and irrigation technology related topics. Advances in Crop Science and Technology Journal aims to disseminate knowledge and promote discussion through the publication of peer-reviewed, high quality research papers on all topics related to Journal of biology and crops research.
ACST examines and distributes articles of provocative issues and points of view in the field of crop sciences and agriculture, reflecting worldwide practices. ACST is an open access online diary to exploit the electronic medium; this incorporates objective–centre crop storages instruction of unique research articles, survey articles, publication letters, analyses and case reports. The Journal object is to report and propel showing practice in Asia and globally.
ACST is an Open Access Journal; pursuers can get to every single distributed article totally for nothing out of pocket. Right now listed in:
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Glory Har
Managing Editor
Advances in Crop Science and Technology Journal
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